The day after school started, when my family was eating dinner, my sister was telling us about how her school day was, and she said that during class one of her teachers said: "Teachers always say 'You are all special'. But you'r not. Because if you all where special, then nobody would be special." My dad agreed with her because if everybody was good at somthing, they nobody would be good at it because everyone is. At first i agreed with him, but now that i think about it, i dont. This is why: (Obviously) not everybody's going to be good at... umm, baskettball. Some people will be good a volleyball, and others, tennis. Soooo, if Joe and Bob where good at baskettball, Moe and Fred, where good at volleyball, and Suzy, Sally, and Zoe, where good at tennis, their all still special, right? Right!( : So, just because people can't all be special at the same thing, then we can all be special at different things.
I want to hear what you think, so please comment and tell me!( :
I agree with Louise! We may not all be special in the same way, but in we are all special, especially to God.
I like your thinking. We can't all be special at one thing, but at different things, we definitly can.
I agree with you too Miss Louise! I obviously didn't explain myself too well at first. I think there are definitely different things we can be good at...and thus special at.
You're blog is lovely. I really like it. The picture that goes with this posting I especially like. Good job! Daddy
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