This post will be edited many times during the week, so check it OFTEN! In blue, at the bottom of this post i will put when it was updated, so you'll know if you need to reread it( :
The poll ended today( : Don't forget to vote! From now on you'r getting 1 week to vote on each one so, don't forget. Here are the results--
Get on email- 3
Look at blogs- 3
Aim- 1
random thought of the day-
I'm really wanting to make somthing and sell it on here, so i'm trying to think of creative ideas. (it's not really workin.../ : ...) Also it don't even know how to do that...so that might be a problem.
other random thoughts of the day-
Today was really, nice, it wasn't hot. WOW. Right now my dog is looking out the window waiting for my mom to pull up, how cute( : I wonder how much dogs know? They know their names... sit, down, wait, off you go, roll over, shake, and stuff like that. But do you think they know what "I love you" means? We always tell them that. Also, my mom has a voise for my dog, and after she says somthing cute in it, we usually go and love on her, i wonder if she thinks, "Oh! Their about to love on me!" I think it would be very interisting to be a dog for a day.
Updated: September 3rd 2008; 7:08 (LAST UPDATE)
The weather was wonderful, I agree.
You keep thinking about something to sell and you will come up with something I bet. You are extremely creative.
I wonder about dogs sometimes too. I'll bet they know their name and can tell when somebody starts talking a certain way that they are going to get loved on.
On the poll: by drama do you mean the drama because of the relationships? Not the actual class? And my favorite thing about school isn't listed - learning new things!
Thank you for you'r oppinion!( : and sorry about the poll. Drama the class would be under electives, so the drama mean gossip yada yada yada. (which i don't like...:P) Sorry i didn't put learning things. Guess you'll just have to pick other) :
--Louise( :
That is OK. I just wanted to make sure. Really liking your blog!
How interesting! I think in some way dogs understand our "i love you". One thing that is remarkable about dogs is their ability to stay loyal and faithful. They stand up to their name as "man's best friend". Mommy
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