Hello everyone(:
Sorry I really haven't been blogging that much... I feel kinda bad about that): I guess I have been too caught up in school/other activity's that I haven't really thought about it. I will blog more soon!(: And I'm excited too... I like blogging; it's fun.
Well... today/this weekend is a long weekend. (FOUR days! yahoooooo!) Anyways, today Me, Mommy and...wait... this is for Mommy; Mommy, Caroline, and I, (she hates when I don't put I last...(:) went to Chick-fill-a and I (wowzers that's the 12th time I've said I!...14 now.) started thinking about how many times a day I say I. So far it's 16 in 1 post. And I'm even trying to stop saying I! So how about this challenge, every time you/someone else says the word I say J. You know; A,B,C,D,E,F,G...H,I,J.... We (Mommy, Caroline, and a word I..GAH! I'm not supposed GAHH!, will we ever learn!? to say) tried it and it was really funny. We didn't count how many 'I's we said but...WOW we sure did say a lot of 'J's!! We are soooo cumsumed in ourselfves we don't even think of the millions of other ways to reword that sentence we use I in. Let's do some practice from this entry so when you go out in the real world you will actually be able to do it. Ex 1: When I wrote that sentence I almost put; I'll take a sentence I wrote and put it in a better way.... Haha,(as you can tell, I really need some practice.) :D Okay, Ex 2: This is the sentence- 'I guess I have been too caught up in school/other activitys that I havn't really thought about it.' Wow; 3 'I's! Okay so here is a sentence I (oops(:) could have used instead: All of my other activity's are probobly part of the reason why there havn't been anynew posts latly. Another reson is that no ideas have really come into mind. Woooooo. Look, that's a wayy better sentecnce; and it even gave me room to elaborate on! This is a great challange; please join me! (And if you think you would even slip by saying J do what Mommy's doing; say your name instead of I(:)
Thanks for reading my blog(:,
Sarah :D
P.S. I gave you the links to everyone's blog exept Daddy's so here, wait, I mean there, it is, I mean was. Haha(:
P.P.S For the poll the results where friends-1; electives-1; and other-1. The other was learning. (THAT ONE, was NOT from me, it was from daddy((:)
OK, let me try this. Louise, this was a meaningful post to me. The focus of the post was on other people and not me. We, that includes me, are too focused on ourselves and using the singular personal pronoun is a good reminder of that. For me, the use of that word will be reduced, hopefully, in the near future. How is that? Did Daddy do good?
That was really good(: This will be fun/meaningfull project; glad you're doing it too(:
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