October 10, 2008

I, I, I, me, my, and I.

Hello everyone(:

Sorry I really haven't been blogging that much... I feel kinda bad about that): I guess I have been too caught up in school/other activity's that I haven't really thought about it. I will blog more soon!(: And I'm excited too... I like blogging; it's fun.

Well... today/this weekend is a long weekend. (FOUR days! yahoooooo!) Anyways, today Me, Mommy and...wait... this is for Mommy; Mommy, Caroline, and I, (she hates when I don't put I last...(:) went to Chick-fill-a and I (wowzers that's the 12th time I've said I!...14 now.) started thinking about how many times a day I say I. So far it's 16 in 1 post. And I'm even trying to stop saying I! So how about this challenge, every time you/someone else says the word I say J. You know; A,B,C,D,E,F,G...H,I,J.... We (Mommy, Caroline, and a word I..GAH! I'm not supposed GAHH!, will we ever learn!? to say) tried it and it was really funny. We didn't count how many 'I's we said but...WOW we sure did say a lot of 'J's!! We are soooo cumsumed in ourselfves we don't even think of the millions of other ways to reword that sentence we use I in. Let's do some practice from this entry so when you go out in the real world you will actually be able to do it. Ex 1: When I wrote that sentence I almost put; I'll take a sentence I wrote and put it in a better way.... Haha,(as you can tell, I really need some practice.) :D Okay, Ex 2: This is the sentence- 'I guess I have been too caught up in school/other activitys that I havn't really thought about it.' Wow; 3 'I's! Okay so here is a sentence I (oops(:) could have used instead: All of my other activity's are probobly part of the reason why there havn't been anynew posts latly. Another reson is that no ideas have really come into mind. Woooooo. Look, that's a wayy better sentecnce; and it even gave me room to elaborate on! This is a great challange; please join me! (And if you think you would even slip by saying J do what Mommy's doing; say your name instead of I(:)

Thanks for reading my blog(:,


Sarah :D

P.S. I gave you the links to everyone's blog exept Daddy's so here, wait, I mean there, it is, I mean was. Haha(:
P.P.S For the poll the results where friends-1; electives-1; and other-1. The other was learning. (THAT ONE, was NOT from me, it was from daddy((:)

October 6, 2008

verse for the week(:

Matthew 16:25 (said by Jesus) For whoeverwants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

September 3, 2008

Dear Readers, (my thoughts post 1)

like my pic??(:Dear Readers,
This post will be edited many times during the week, so check it OFTEN! In blue, at the bottom of this post i will put when it was updated, so you'll know if you need to reread it( :

The poll ended today( : Don't forget to vote! From now on you'r getting 1 week to vote on each one so, don't forget. Here are the results--
Get on email- 3
Look at blogs- 3
Aim- 1

random thought of the day-
I'm really wanting to make somthing and sell it on here, so i'm trying to think of creative ideas. (it's not really workin.../ : ...) Also it don't even know how to do that...so that might be a problem.

other random thoughts of the day-
Today was really, nice, it wasn't hot. WOW. Right now my dog is looking out the window waiting for my mom to pull up, how cute( : I wonder how much dogs know? They know their names... sit, down, wait, off you go, roll over, shake, and stuff like that. But do you think they know what "I love you" means? We always tell them that. Also, my mom has a voise for my dog, and after she says somthing cute in it, we usually go and love on her, i wonder if she thinks, "Oh! Their about to love on me!" I think it would be very interisting to be a dog for a day.

Updated: September 3rd 2008; 7:08 (LAST UPDATE)

September 2, 2008

Sould we pay students to succseed?

At school we have been talking about a new method of school that they are doing in urban places, like New York. I thought it was interisting, so i'm going to tell you about what they did.
Certian districts have either been using taxes, or contrabutions to pay students for either getting better grades, or reciving high test scores. I'm going to stop here for a moment and go over somthing. When I was young i always said- "Don't you think they sould pay us to go to school? It's practacly our life..." My parents always kinda agreed with me. (And the reason they kinda did was so that i wouldn't feel bad probobly...) I'll get more into that later... Okay. So don't forget that i said they gave money if you did better on your tests. So what if your getting a 100? and the next year you get another 100? Do you get any money? Well, thankfully there are some (sadly only some) schools that give money for high grades. My guess is that the different ways, and for different schools. For example, if P.S. 123 gets all 70s and P.S. 246 get's all 50s, it's better for 123 to do the high test scores, and the 246 to do higher test scores. Moving on. Later in the artical it talked about the things the third graders where going to buy. Many people said video games and things like that, but one girl said food. And when asked what food, she said "Spagetti." I'll stop again. Do you think that we sould pay students (posobley with our taxes) to go and buy video games? I say no. What about paying students to do good (posobly with our taxes) to get food for thier family. i say YESYESYES. But how would we know that's what they'll get? We don't, but we can make a good guess buy (again) where we are doing these things. So if you are in a poor town i say go for it, but what do you do if you are in a non poor town, with bad test scores? I like one guy's idea of play money. Maby you could buy somthing at the school store, or get out of your assigned seating for a day. I think that would be good for a wealthy town. Later on in the day, we talked about who we thought benifented the most, who benifents the non most and such. I think that the teachers benifent the most because if they get the most students to do good, they get a bonus, which makes them all want to do better, and better, and soon the school will be doing great. Which would get more people to try and get into that district. Then once they move there, there will be more people to tax, which means higher money, which means the more they get paid! But sadly for him, the person who bennifits the least is the man that started it. Because, yes, there is some fame, and yes, some people like it. But there are lots of people that dont like it. Some resons why I don't like it is because, these students will always be expecting money money money for anything they do good, and where would that take us? You may say "Well none of these kids will go to collage." True, but what if they suddonly love school because, when the teachers put hard effort into it they like it? I have a fealing you don't know what to say now.
In conclusion i think that any district even thinking about trying this out sould think REALLY hard about thier suroundings, and the way they sould aprouach it. They sould deffanatly also PRAY. ALOT. Even one year of this could lead to bad things if done the wrong way....

Well, I just thought that was a good discution topic and i desided to post how i felt.( :
If you don't mind, please comment. I would like to hear other opinions, and don't forget. You don't have to agree with me!( :

--Sarah( :

September 1, 2008

Are we all special?

The day after school started, when my family was eating dinner, my sister was telling us about how her school day was, and she said that during class one of her teachers said: "Teachers always say 'You are all special'. But you'r not. Because if you all where special, then nobody would be special." My dad agreed with her because if everybody was good at somthing, they nobody would be good at it because everyone is. At first i agreed with him, but now that i think about it, i dont. This is why: (Obviously) not everybody's going to be good at... umm, baskettball. Some people will be good a volleyball, and others, tennis. Soooo, if Joe and Bob where good at baskettball, Moe and Fred, where good at volleyball, and Suzy, Sally, and Zoe, where good at tennis, their all still special, right? Right!( : So, just because people can't all be special at the same thing, then we can all be special at different things.

I want to hear what you think, so please comment and tell me!( :

August 16, 2008

Welcome to Blogness!

Welcome to my blog, blogness!
I'm Louise, and on my blog I will have a poll, thoughts, and just things i feel like saying. Someday, I hope i'll be able to also sell some things. Well, I hope you enjoy my blog, and feel free to visit whenever you like!( : <3,sarah( =

p.s. You can pick more than one answer if you need to on my poll.